Who is our greatest enemy?

What an important lesson we learn from the life of Prophet Adam: you have no enemy, everyone is your friend, everyone is our friend. This is such an important point that it gives you a universal concept. You start considering all humans as your friends. You start considering all humans as your own. The 'we and they' concept ends, and it remains only in the context of Satan. Your confrontation is with Satan, who leads you astray, who deviates you from the truth. This example from Prophet Adam is very powerful—don't consider anyone your enemy. If you have to see someone as an enemy, consider Satan your enemy. Do you think there could be any greater lesson than this?

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The first human was Adam, and he was also the first Prophet. Their story serves as an important example for us. What is it? Their story is recounted in the Quran (2:35) and mentioned in the Bible, where it's told that God created them and placed them in Paradise. (Genesis 2:15). Then they made a mistake by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, so they were expelled from paradise and sent to the earth. And they were told to, 'Go down from here as enemies to each other' (بَعْضُكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌ) (2:36) They ate it due to the temptation of Satan. That is, humans and Satan will be enemies to each other. It's a very important point. Our enemy is not Hindu, nor Christian, nor Jew, nor American. No one is our enemy; our enemy is Satan. It's a very important point. All Muslims worldwide consider those people as enemies. Some think that Hindus are the enemy, some think the RSS is the enemy, some think the BJP is the enemy, some think the Jews are the enemy, and some think Americans are the enemy. These are all falsehoods. No one is our enemy. Our true enemy is Satan— بَعْضُكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌ (as enemies to each other) 2:36

What an important lesson we learn from the life of Prophet Adam: you have no enemy, everyone is your friend, everyone is our friend. This is such an important point that it gives you a universal concept. You start considering all humans as your friends. You start considering all humans as your own. The 'we and they' concept ends, and it remains only in the context of Satan. Your confrontation is with Satan, who leads you astray, who deviates you from the truth. This example from Prophet Adam is very powerful—don't consider anyone your enemy. If you have to see someone as an enemy, consider Satan your enemy. Do you think there could be any greater lesson than this?

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